1. A fictional character from the bestseller book series "Warriors" by Erin Hunter
Ashfur gave the tabby a hard stare before sliding through the bracken after Rainwhisker. Squirrelflight knew why."
by SlitherGirlofYouTube January 7, 2008
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to trap your ex and their kids in a fire.
person one: what ever happened to steph
person two: i heard she got ashfur'd
by bandit_husky April 22, 2022
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a sweet gray tabby who just wants his precious squirrelflight back, he did nothing wrong, yet she dumped him,
ashfur thrusted his member into squirrelflight's dripping core, kissing her , making her moan in pleasure, she didn't want brambleclaw, she wanted HIM.
by ChasePlayz February 18, 2018
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The act of being like Ashfur(being really salty).
That's Ashfurness!
by Ilikewarriors May 17, 2019
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