Ohh shit, Andrias is here.
Dont stare at him! Do not make eye contact whatsoever cause he is a fucking badass!
by Queebsmeister April 7, 2017
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She is a very antisocial person and won’t come out to you unless you really have her trust , and gives great advice when needed no matter what she has your back . Not to mention she’s a good partner and hold you down type , she is a crybaby and always wants to be babied . Something about Andria’s will have you coming back and back to them for some reason , But If you come cross a Andria keep her 😉
stranger: how you doing
Andria: “bye
by thisusertoprivately November 6, 2020
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a beautiful, italian girl who is easy to love and is amazing and incredible in every way. known for having a great body, perfect smile and are the best girlfriends. meet an andria and do everything you can to get on her good side and see what happens from there.
Andria is the sweetest girl in the entire class

Man, i wish i was friends with Andria she's so cool and pretty

My girlfriend Andria is so amazing and i love her
by tring10 August 22, 2011
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A surreptitiously seductive free spirit that roams the earth in search of true love
That woman is so cool, she is so Andria!
by Androgenous Maximus September 17, 2008
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A sassy firecracker with oodles of personality! Great taste in music, loves food a lot! She feels very happy when she’s by the beach and has a cocktail in one hand and a joint in the other.

Everyone who meets her thinks she’s so cool and they want to be her friend. If you cross her though she’ll forget that you exist and hope that you’ll burn in hell! The
“Wow! Andria is so cool, I wish I was more like her!”
“Yeah…. Andria hates you, good luck with that
by Jimmy Woo Who???? November 23, 2021
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An Americanized Asian who loves to shop at Hollister. May be sarcastic and snobbish at times but is a sweetheart and has good morals and is most definitely not easy.
Guy 1- "Damn Andria is looking fine today."

Guy 2- "Yeah but she's never gonna give it to you, idiot."
by Mickey12 August 29, 2008
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They best person alive on Earth, he or she is a fuck boii is smart and has a huge heart for there friends!!! And is Gemini and will take ur girl
Oh my god its Andria
by YEET THE YEET November 19, 2019
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