A person who has a charming smile, and wins over everyone's heart just by existing. He's the most prominent reason behind global warming, and loved by everyone.
I wish Ananta would take me out on a date!
Omg is that Ananta? No wonder the room felt so warm
by justsomeonetryingtohelp December 8, 2020
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is a Sanskrit word meaning "infinity", "without end". It may refer to Vishnu (The preserver God in Hindu's trinity) or

Ananta Shesha, a serpent on which Vishnu lies.

Ananta generally is referred to the Adishesha - the great serpent on which Vishnu rests after creating a new Universe. "Lord Vishnu's Couch" Ananta is strong enough to support the creator of the Universe and soft enough to be God's couch. So one of the main principals of Yoga - Sthira and Sukha (ease and effort) is represented by Ananta (Adishesha)
by AnantaYoga February 4, 2010
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A boy that is quite ninja, also is capable of having lots of charm and monster energy drinks. He is pretty sweet, though he's is too lazy to answer your phone calls. Overall he's quite spectacular.
"Ananta is pretty cute isn't he?"
"He also has a black belt."
by doyouhaveanolderbrother December 28, 2009
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Very sexy and attractive, highly beautiful,every boy's crush and hearthrob and very popular in school. Very updated about their social surroundings. And mostly have only Guyfrds:)) sweet and beautiful 💓💍
Person1- Whom do u crush?
Person2- Her, that girl.
Person1- Omg. She is so Ananta!!
by Zoobie doobie August 11, 2018
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