the most amazing person you will ever meet. someone who has great taste in clothes, friends, and makeup. she is a gorgeous girl with a fabulous smile.
person 1:wow! shes so pretty!
person 2:i bet her name is aleena.
by Barely There December 17, 2008
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My safe space and comfort person is Aleena.
Me and Aleena have been friends since january 21st 2022, and since then Aleena has been my best friend
Aleena and I share a lot of the same interests, we like harry styles, baking, ludo and so much more.
I love playing ludo with Aleena even though she's the worst loser. I love facetiming with Aleena, ilove
talking to Aleena everyday. i love Aleena.
Whenever I'm in a bad mood Aleena always brightens my mood without any of us realizing, she'll
facetime me and then it's like it's just our world and no one else is in it.
Aleena always make me feel loved with little things she does, for an example about a week ago Alcena
called me and told me about a problem she had, she then said " just wanted to tell you because you're the
first person i think of, to call" it's a small thing but it has a bigger meaning to me.
Before I started talking to Aleena, I had no one who had the exact same interests as me, meaning I
couldn'e talk to one person about everything. But now chat I've met Aleena, I have chat person, I tell
Aleena everything. Aleena knows about online friends who I secretly hate, about cheetos and everyone
else we make names for, about what happens in school. about everything.
who is your aleena?


by lizaisfunny June 25, 2022
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an incredibly sexy and attractive girl beyond belief.

can also be use to describe a incredibly sexy and attractive girl beyond belief.
dude1: DAAAAMN! did u see that chick? she was fiiiine!

dude2: yeah, thats Aleena

guy1: wow that girl is so aleena!

guy2: dam shes bangn'
by FangsUpCobraStyle December 17, 2008
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Aleena is the one of the most unorganized and stressed out person you will ever meet. Aleena can be very moody at times. She has a great sense of fashion. Every guy craves an Aleena. Aleena loves working out and being healthy. She can be mean at times and judgmental. Everyone thinks Aleena is skinny but she eats as much as a cow. She is very scandalous ;).
Girl 1: omg look there’s Aleena
Guy 2:she’s so cool she runs the school
Girl 1: I wish I was an Aleena
by Tortugaaa May 12, 2019
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Aleena is insecure and doesn't believe she is beautiful even if somone tells her everyday. She can like guys but she always has one guy on her mind when she wakes up.

Aleena falls for the guys that plays video games and likes star wars. She will go out with a guy and fall so fast and a year later she still has love for him. Aleena may not be the prettiest but that's her flaw pretty girls have bad attitudes but average girls have their personalities.

She is independent and can reach any goal by trying she is wierd but who isn't.
Aleena is not confident
by ThatHappyGirl. May 28, 2015
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Aleena is short for "book thrower"
An Aleena is very dangerous in a library
by Alexfmp March 14, 2019
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