/v/: To lack the creative juices to come up with a new word
"I tried thinking of something to add to Urban Dictionary."
"Did you think of one?"
"No, I think I'm agressing."
by Ukest August 15, 2011
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A form of passive agression where the individual is genuninely agreeable by nature, but when pushed to the limit, they lash out in agression.
In dating situations, Jane often finds herself attracting men who are initially very into her yet slowly lose interest due to her overly agreeable nature. Jane then becomes agressible; At one moment behaving like her natural agreeable self then suddenly aggresive out of hurt and pain due to feeling like a doormat.
by Shebannah July 20, 2010
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When you study for an exam, but with your mean face on, so that people know you're being agressive about it.
Have you studied for the anatomy final yet?
My man, not only. I went full agressive studying about that.
by ToldYaIllMakeItAThing January 2, 2020
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A feminine lesbian who dates other feminine lesbians, but usually has the most control in the relationship. In the bed she's usually more dominant and will do most of the pleasing and use the strap. Also controls the relationship out of the bed, and is generally less emotional.
My newest relationship is with another girl, but shes definantly the femme agress.
by emilis June 30, 2009
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When becoming angry your accent turns southern
Playing game of monopoly with your friends you may experience southern agression.
by King Ezekiel April 28, 2019
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Its like a normal skater, but there really pissed of all the time.
Skater : Hey wasup?
Agressive Skater : ARHGGHHHHHH
by Baker6969 September 5, 2009
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Someone that is too pussy to deal with life's shit head on. Instead they always take cheap shots, and the easy way out, instead of buckling down and facing reality like a man.
"wes, I dont think stabbing your little brother in the back is going to solve any of your problems your so pussive agressive".
"bullshit dude watch"

-throws unsuspecting little brother down a flight of stairs, to later have his ass whooped at a party for being so gay".
by Plotbert December 18, 2007
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