A Block after 11 on Cartoon Network, mondays thru thursdays, saturdays and sundays. It features more mature cartoons, including Futurama, Family Guy, and more recently, Venture Bros. It also features a wide selection of nearly uncut anime including Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, and most recently, Fullmetal Alchamist.
I am going to watch Adult Swim tonight
by Davis 51 December 1, 2004
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A show on Cartoon Network that is shown at nighttime everyday, excluding Fridays.....Adult Swim is the only good channel on TV anymore.
"Adult Swim has Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Family Guy, and many more hilarious shows. They even have some anime."
by Dave September 13, 2004
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1. What Cartoon Network should be airing all day everyday.

2. When no minors are allowed in the pool.
1. I'm tired of these kiddy cartoons that got bad after 1999, they need to air adult swim all day!

2. It's adult swim time in the pool, no kids allowed!
by ThtGy September 14, 2009
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The time when children are not allowed in the pool. This is so adults can have nice calm leisure time in the pool without children running around and performing "cannon balls", which can be rude, and annoying.
I'm so glad it's adult swim time. I don't like swimming with kids.
by Brock Sampson February 6, 2005
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The layziest, craiziest, most innovative group of potheads that have ever been not fired from telliviesion. Best known for cheeply produced cartoons(i.e. Aqua Teen Hunger Force, 12 oz. Mouse) and have even resorted to rehashing footage of old Hanna- Barbarra cartoons that result in the cheepest laughs on tellivision, both litterally and figuritivly.

They are also known for having the newest episodes of Family Guy right after FOX airs them, and have been known to run every other FOX cartoon in existance, exept The Simpsons. They really hate when you ask for The Simpsons
"If you're up past midnight, your likely watching Adult Swim"
by hatespamneverspam January 31, 2010
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A lineup of really good anime and comedy on an otherwise pretty shitty channel, Cartoon Network.
Every Saturday night I wait for Toonami to be over, then I watch Adult Swim.
by Cortana Dragoon July 13, 2005
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