That's A Shitload of porn!
by MyRealNameIs: October 16, 2010
by lightbulb March 15, 2004
In Software Engineering, an IEEE recognized standardized unit. The number of instances of a problem that must occur in an area/component that falls outside your area of ownership - usually 1 such occurrence qualifies as a shitload. If the problem occurs in your own area, the multiplier is 100x as any instance is obviously warranted and is merely providing good data.
Brett, your Assert fired once in an overnight test pass loop I ran on my machine. That's a shitload of hits! Pls fix ASAP! Thanks!
by thedarkknightgoestobed February 7, 2018
by the almighty ho August 12, 2005
(Colloquial) The amount of cow manure that will fit in the bed of a 3/4 ton pickup. For fresh, wet, stinking manure, this would be 750 pounds. For dry manure, something less, perhaps 500 pounds.
by OldFskingGeek July 11, 2013
A quantifier for people, signifiyng either one or many of them, in terms of a sizable degree of shittiness.
-I've seen a shitload of people on that website.
-Really, a lot?
-Well, maybe six. But they've been really shit, and people-y, you know?
-I shitty-well know. There is always a whole shitload of people.
-Really, a lot?
-Well, maybe six. But they've been really shit, and people-y, you know?
-I shitty-well know. There is always a whole shitload of people.
by mattrh May 27, 2015
A term which defines a numerical value of 47. It is prime. Do not confuse the term with similar terms such as fuckton, assload, or baker's dozen. This is a shitload.
Dumbass: Dude! I just spilled a shitload of milk.
Smartass: Impossible. Milk cannot be split into any value other than milk. Your argument is invalid.
Smartass: Impossible. Milk cannot be split into any value other than milk. Your argument is invalid.
by Anchovies123 January 16, 2012