The number of licks it takes to reach the center of a tootsiepop.
Girlfriend " babe you just 364th me"
Boyfriend " why"
Girlfriend " because you just reached the center of my tootsiepop"
by El superchillies July 3, 2017
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If the target is in an area of light, the monster is not allowed to engage.
I was scared, but then I remembered evil monster rule 364 and turned on my light.
by Evilmonsterexpert December 15, 2014
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Mako364 is an internet troll known for torturing himself everyday by playing Destiny 2, he also placed a pipebomb in your mailbox.
I messed with Mako364 and now there’s a WW2 aircraft above my place of residence.
by Brandon.#0199 November 16, 2021
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