21p iS a vEry pOpulaR baNd anD mY fAvoRitE sOng bY tHeM iS hEaTheNS .ThereS aLso tHat soNg riDe whicH iS gOOd. im not a normie so i dont listen to stressed out even though its so good !!!!! XDDDDDDD

kleek 4 lyff |-///// whats a blurry face again?
21p is lit as f-
by cliquey mc pilot September 20, 2017
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It means a little boy that always say bad words to children and destroy everything that he want but he can’t get it.Also,this kind of person have no responsibility and bring it to another level.
Person1:You got ronaldo in FIFA 1!1!1 I’m gonna quick sell it😈
Person2:Bro,don’t be so 21P
by I ate a cat 8964 June 29, 2023
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