01000101 is the binary code for 69
Nerd- I'm going to get some 01000101 tonite.

Person- what the hell your going to do math?

Nerd- haha 01000101 is 69 in binary code
by lord lucas November 26, 2006
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E in binary

Used by people of rick & morty fan level intelligence or up.
(reverb, bass boosting)
by Lover_of_Streams July 5, 2018
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E. It's E in binary.
Someone: God, 01000101 is so unfunny.
Someone else: What is 01000101?
Someone: E.
by Historybook.txt February 4, 2021
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PENIS in binary, if you have found this, you are as bored, immature and nerdy as I am. Congrats.
My 01010000 01000101 01001110 01001001 01010011 is only .2 inches long.
by Yung Cancer October 24, 2018
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69 in binary

and also E in binary
what is 01000101?


by Chidiissmort January 15, 2023
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