This is what you write when you're so bored you decide to type every possible character in a zig-zag on a QUERTY keyboard, happy to see you got results.
I was so unbelievably bored that I typed `~1!qQaAzZxXsSwW2@3#eEdDcCvVfFrR4$5%tTgGbB6^yYhHnNmMjJuU7&8*iIkK,<.>lLoO9(0)pP;:/?-_{'"=+}\| by dragging my finger in a zig-zag on my keyboard, and proceeded to google the nonsense I just typed.
by Pabawo April 20, 2021
Get the `~1!qQaAzZxXsSwW2@3#eEdDcCvVfFrR4$5%tTgGbB6^yYhHnNmMjJuU7&8*iIkK,<.>lLoO9(0)pP;:/?-_[{'"=+]}\| mug.