The country phone number code for South Korea.
If you think +82 is the country phone number code for North Korea then you are wrong.
by memecatdiscord July 16, 2019
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Some one that is hk "Hard-Kore"

see definition by Bizzle
Guy1 "Ahhh that bottle of jim beam hit the spot."

Guy2 "Yo Man ur 82!"
by skiz March 14, 2005
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The penetration of both eardrums by a simultaneous dick stabbing. Similar to 41, but twice as hardcore and also leads to twice as much jizzbrain.
Jordan Boehler was playing doctor with Bobby Hughes and Brian Thompson last night when he offered to receive an 82 from the two queers. Bobby's a jew so his cock is small.
by Henry Finkler April 26, 2004
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what do I need to do to be in your arms? I will do anything!!
82; I want you... it brings tears to my eyes! I love you more than I can express!
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I saw a couple last night and you could see all the love in their eyes for each other. They were holding each other, smiling, talking... until our day; I will live vicariously through others....
The love I have for you, I see things I have never noticed before!
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All I want is to be with you!! And a little for posts to post.
I see you and it takes everything in me not to run to you and jump into your arms!
I canโ€™t wait ! Some days I am definitely impatient. I am so in love with you!!
82; iwysb
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the most badass and epic point in your life you could possibly ever reach....EVER! only few have ever made it to this point and lived to tell the tale....if you dont have 82 strokes.....then YO ASS AINT GOT 82 STROKES!
mr scotty: do your work now! chris: nah we straight....we got 82 STROKES!
by who wants to know!!!! February 10, 2012
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