When a extravagantly skinny person attends the gym once and thinks they are a bodybuilder.
"Jamheeds #bulking"
by #bulking November 9, 2014
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eating more and training heavier in order to gain muscle; an excuse for overeating
1. He started bulking for the bodybuilding contest.

2. Joe: Dude, you've already eaten ribs, a Big Mac, a McChicken, Doritos, Cheetos and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and drank 3 Coca-Colas, a Mountain Dew, and 2 cups of Gatorade, and you're still eating?

Jack: I'm bulking.

3. KSI: I'm not fat, I'm bulking!
by BerneseDog75 October 1, 2020
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Someone’s excuse to not be called fat. The opposite of hulking. For example KSIOlajidebtHD

Fan: can I get a picture ksi

Ksi: sure (gets in position for pic)

Fan: your taking up the whole shot fat boy

Ksi: it’s not fat it’s bulk. I’m bulking
“I’m NoT fAt I’m BuLkInG!”

Pls upvote
by ThunderTits76 July 29, 2019
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Bulking is a process commonly used by an individual wishing to gain weight. Commonly used in bodybuilding (Off-Season) but will also be used by fitness enthusiast. Bulking attempts to build MUSCLE MASS

Simply it is an attempt to eat a healthy diet to gain weight, whilst minimising fat gains. The basic principle of bulking to to consume more calories than you expend. Typically a bulking diet will consist of around 6-8 meals per day, spread out every 2-3 hours. A cleverly structured diet will show the breakdown of carbs,protein and fats. Typical bulking calories usually range from aroun 3000 to 6000 and should be tailored to the needs of the individual and specific goals.

Many bodybuilders/individuals will bulk over the winter season and then cut (cutting diet) in the summer. Cutting to cut down on the fat gain by a bulking diet. In general (except n00b gains) it is exceptionally hard to gain weight and loose bodyfat at the same time (excluding the use of steroids+genetics) therefore you cannot bulk and cut at the same time! You can use variety such as cylical bulking e.g. Bulk for 4 weeks/Cut for 2 weeks repeat process..this is an attempt to minimise fat gains.
Foods/supplements commonly used in a bulking diet include: Protein powder,eggs,steak,wholegrain pasta,tuna,nuts
by Big Al 2007 April 1, 2007
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Friend 1: Dude you ate a large big mac meal, a chocolate block and krispy kreme doughnuts

Friend 2: I'm bulking
by jammyjamjam August 28, 2013
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A word used to describe the large amounts of something
by wheresmolly September 1, 2017
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What you obtain in the gym.
- "Ole boy's really gettin' that bulk."

- "I need to square away that bulk today."
by jbb21 August 30, 2011
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