When you want to express pride in having less.
I used to be able to use my headphones with my phone. Not any more. #Courage
by Duckofdeath September 9, 2016
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In certain parts of New Orleans, "courage" is synonymous for pep or energy.
I don't have any courage today; I guess I need a tonic or something.
by Cranberry Bob January 6, 2020
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The ability to confront pain, fear, humiliation, or anything else a person would naturally stay away from. Can be divided into Mental and Physical courage.

Mental Courage encompasses threats, attacks, and discomfort of the mind.

Physical Courage is pain, hardship, torture, and death
Ex1: Shughart and Gordon were truly courageous men. They died to defend a fellow solider who was inured and unable to move.

Ex2: Hannah was really brave today, she stood up to the other girls who were making fun of her.
by Indigoz November 29, 2006
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brave or, not deterred by danger or pain, not being a coward
Brian was courageous while protecting his sister from bullies
by Alquiasha October 8, 2015
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The ability to fight one's own instinct to run or cower by focusing on a larger deed that must be done for the greater good.
The Tankman of Tiananmen Square was extremely courageous.
by Dragon's Assistant May 27, 2009
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Origin Old French "courage", from Latin "Cor" 'heart'

1. the ability to do something that frightens one.

2. strength in the face of pain or grief.
Man did you see that?! KC went and bought stuff by herself for once, I mean she is terrified of doing stuff on her own (she used to be anyways, lol).

Look at that guy he is brave, crazy or just plain courageous, I mean he like jumped infront of that bullet!
by Alex Pipe July 8, 2004
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Knowing there is almost certain failure but doing it anyway.
He asked the supermodel out on a date. That took courage.
by TheJEnigma March 29, 2004
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