Very ugly, thinks they're mature for their age, is a man, denies being a femboy, moms dead, usually owns a meme page or memes are trash, reuses the same memes daily, very ugly, has a 1000+ followers but gets 80 likes, ex-girlfriend says the nword (isn't black), uses sad qoutes un-ironically, a catfish, fucks their car, has bad music taste, either nasty hair or is bald (probably has lice) no wrists, car smells like pine trees, asks for hugs on your birthday, ugly is contagious, claims to be very depressed, posts the same picture on their feed, is either rewlly fat or too scrawny, disables comments and untagged themselves from posts, probably homophobic but is in the closet, very ugly
Sam/jason/john/jim: ok alicia/estrella

Alicia/estrella: okay sperm spit sack
by October 7, 2020
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The act of a man blowing his load, like that of a sperm whale blowing through its blow hole, into a man or woman's nostril whilst they snort it back, like snorting a fat line or rail.
J asked L if she remembered the favor she owed him. She said, "yes, I told you it could be anything, you name it." He said, "what about The Sperm Rail?" In which she replied, "I remember you explaining this to me, the answer is yes, we have to try it at least once." J replied, "this is why your the best woman I could ever have."
by jasonjjung76 October 27, 2022
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When you didn't know you had other siblings and you are all related through the same male's sperm
I didn't know I had this many sperm relations out there. That man must of been a whore.
by fotzi101 January 29, 2020
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Someone that for some reason, somehow ended up on this world, after being put on the "rejected sperm" shelf in the spermbank and is now a burden to everyones life.
Dan: "Jesus Christ, Richard, you're a fucking sperm bank reject. The nurses should have thrown your dads sperm out right away instead of putting it on a shelf. You're probably as ugly and brain-damaged as he was."

Richard: "..."
by John_is_not_a_homophobe August 17, 2021
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It means that you have done a lot of hand job or you had a lot of sex just in a single week.
Maria: Hi Justinpx, I am so horny right now... Can u come please for one more time?
Justinpx: Hi Maria, sincerely i am out of sperm. Maybe next week cutie?
by GiorgiCavany February 26, 2019
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A condom, for protection against STI’s/STD’s and babies
“Yo mate, I’ve just pulled. Have you any sperm gloves with you?”
by Naho November 12, 2020
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same as a batty man, gay boy, homosexual etc. a sperm-scranner means someone that eats sperm
person1: yo that fella looks like a right sperm-scranner innit
person2: yo fam he such a batty man look at them boat shoes
by hairybattycrease April 7, 2018
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