Something you should never say on a first date, as it will ruin the sexual tension between you and your partner. Should only be used as a way to get out of an awkward date.
Ted: I think i’m in love with you.
Robin: What?
by Lijhs August 16, 2019
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A self-command, while still drunk in the morning, at work.
Jim: I am sick.

Billy: You aren't sick, you're still drunk. Think sober.
by jimsnow0 November 18, 2012
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Any number that can be written by dividing one integer by another-in plain English, any number that can be written as a fraction or ratio. (An easy way to remember this is to think of rational’s root word “ratio.”)
Any number that can be written by dividing one integer by another-in plain English, any number that can be written as a fraction or ratio. (An easy way to remember this is to think of rational’s root word “ratio.”)
by Adlane33 March 13, 2021
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For some odd reason I cannot bring my mind to do Mathematics. I’m an INTJ and my mind keeps blowing out those two functions. It’s involuntarily/subconsciously trying to block out the information that I am learning. Very frustrating.

Jews, you got any help? I’m on ADHD medication and it works only a little It’s almost like I have a mental block. I think I need my Klonopin back?
My mind keeps ignoring Introverted Thinking and Extraverted Intuition
by Death Menace April 10, 2022
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Every Thursday, a certain man is infected by supernatural forces that cause him to think of Melody. Scientists have yet to develop a theory on the causes and effects of this phenomenon.
“Hey, I was wondering why I can’t get you out of my head. Then I remembered, it’s think of me Thursday!!!
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Being racist
White writer: "I am challenging the herd with new and bold thinking"
- "So you are racist and think a poc is 'culturally appropriating' white people by bleaching their hair."
by Unheardofbs September 21, 2022
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a phrase stated stated stated that "im thinking" by adamn smasher smacker balls.

adamner was thinking and to davidid he said "im thinking"
davidid said " ok"
the adamner smacker smacked davidid into the ground of the russian fredreal goverurmentai (hentia goverment)

davidid said "owie"
adamn said "sorry bbg"
"im thinking"v"im thinking""im thinking""im thinking""im thinking""im thinking""im thinking""im thinking"
by adamns rapist December 29, 2022
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