When someone acts like they don't care about anything to the extent where they are just seen as a care human being. Can often be confused with caring, but is actually the opposite.
Omg, he is so care, he always answers my snaps with one-worded responses.
by Arora fan January 15, 2021
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Being care on something means that you do not care.
by Rickenberg November 24, 2016
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'Joe' knock knock
'Biden' who?
'Joe' Ligma ba...
'Biden' cares
by zzyz July 18, 2022
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You and your boys all put a sperm sample into the same pot to make a mix of 2+ babies.
Person 1: hey what’s this little pot?
Person 2: oh that’s just mine and my friends day-care pot
by butteredpopcorn August 15, 2022
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A person in a state of caring, as in being careful or caring for or about something or someone. Implies that they care a lot.

Could be a compliment or criticism.
"Susie taking care of Jack while he's sick makes her just about the most care-ified person I know!"


"Mark is way too obsessed with his Mustang. It's kind of sick how over care-ified he is."


"John is being way too care-ified about Jillian. He's in way over his head."
by Jae B. January 17, 2009
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• noun: The practice of tending to one’s plants as a form of relaxation and self-care, recognizing the therapeutic benefits of gardening.
• “Had a rough day at work, so tonight’s all about Sowvital self-care – just me, my plants, and some chill music.”
by MrGreen August 18, 2023
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