a term, used mostly in the southern United States, for marijuana
We was up in the loft of the barn smokin some rabbit tobacco.
by KowboyTrav May 19, 2007
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A child-molesting man in his mid-twenties, appointed by his cohorts. Though he touches children, he does enjoy a good dart.
"who's that dude fondling that kids yew-hoo?"
"oh him, that's the pope of tobacco."
by dag'o'bicks February 17, 2017
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Slang for tobacco; usually refers to cigarette smoke in particular.
Thanks to my chain smoking step dad, my whole house smells like Tobacco Bell.
by Ramona5000 May 2, 2011
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The disclaimer placed on drug paraphernalia in smoke shops and novelty stores to make the sale of items obviously intended for substance abuse legal to sell.
"Oh yeah, I need this 6 foot water bong to smoke tobacco, cigarettes just aren't enough for me anymore". <wink>
by Dawn Davenport January 21, 2005
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A brand of rolling tobacco sold in the uk that tastes like the smell of paint. Only smoked because of it's cheap price tag.
Person 1: I had a sterling rollie today it tasted disgusting but it was all I had.

Person 2: Ah that's sterling rolling tobacco for you, shit tastes like the smell of paint.

Person 1: Yeah that's what that taste was even dry stale water damaged Mayfairs taste nicer.
by Ch1ngch0ngp1ngp0ng September 11, 2019
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Originally, a scientist hired by the Tobacco Institute to refute the findings that tobacco use resulted in cancer. Generally, it has expanded to mean any scientist paid by a moneyed interest to refute a scientific consensus or to create a false appearance of disagreement within the scientific community.
Did you hear that the Tobacco Institute Scientists over at Exxon-Mobile found there is no such thing as global warming?
by The Amazing Science-Man February 18, 2012
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