The chosen space writers settle into when they write. Similar to a lone caveman hyperfocused on creating stories on cave walls.
Don't bug me while I'm in my scribble cave.
by The Scribble Cave October 20, 2023
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Penmanship that is so horrible, it is next to impossible to be able to read. It's basically illegible.
"Write down what you want from the store, but make sure its not Scribblely Scrabble so I know what you want and not have to guess.
by jason joseph 57 December 8, 2010
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Slang for a weapon, in most cases a firearm of any kind.
"Don't make me pull out the Scribbly"
by EbolaVictim December 2, 2022
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A colloquial name for a pencil or pen.
Harold: What is that that address again?
Albert: 123 Letsby Avenue
Harold: Hang on, let me grab a scribbling stick so I can write it down...
by Bearcake72 January 4, 2019
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When he uses the cock to write something with little to no effort, using either pen ink or nut
Girl1: So he did a cock scribble on me last night!
Girl2: What?
Girl1: He wrote Bazinga on my back with pen ink, with his pp
Girl2: Oh epic!
by egg bitch March 5, 2020
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An artist of color.
Hey bob, look at the scribble monkeys drawing. It’s pretty good.
by Kraker Barrel October 25, 2018
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Used to described someone who is mad and gone beyond the brink of rage and anger.
Hey, have you seen scribbles d clown down by the park?

Yeah I hear he was mocked recently..
by jayce dooling funy October 4, 2022
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