What you feel when you watch a documentary about climate change and remember all the crap you just ordered online.
"Wow, this episode of Patriot Act is really disturbing. I had no idea fast fashion was creating so much waste. Hey, are you okay? You look like you're going to throw up."

"Yeah... just thinking about the 10 shirts I don't need that'll be arriving on my doorstep tomorrow and having some serious retail guilt. I'm an asshole."
by Little Walnut December 3, 2019
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Using the calming effect of shopping in order to relieve constipation.
“I was so fucking backed up, I had to go to target for a retail Enema. I was almost shitting before I could get my pants off.
by Cantstandya April 1, 2018
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shopping with the purpose of boosting one's mood
I don't get a mood boost from shopping, so retail therapy isn't even an option.
by The Return of Light Joker July 18, 2010
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A retail assistant that believes they have super human powers when it comes to fashion. In their mind their level of importance and abilities put them on par with Einstein and God.
"No soup for you!"
"He has a sixth sense when it comes to fashion. He new you weren't going to buy it even before you left the house"
In reality these people offer little to the word, and are classified in evolution as a FAIL!
Insofar as our employee goes; Similar to our product offerings, our employees are selected with a similar approach. Chris whom served you is a qualified stylist whom has a sixth sense for fashion, and Chris’s only problem is that he is too good at what he does, and as I am sure you are aware, people whom are talented, generally do not tolerate having their time wasted, which is the reason you were provoked to leave the store.
Whilst I concede that you work for chain retailer, unfortunately that does not make us like for like. It is probably fair to assume, a lot of what I have said in this email, either doesn’t make sense to you, or you totally disagree with it all, which is what I would expect (unless of course I have you totally wrong – which I doubt).
Let me guess, you would never, ever hire Chris in the course of your duty, would you? This is the very reason, why your comment “from one retailer to another” is so disproportionate, it’s almost as though we are in a totally different industries. Chris is a retail superstar, who possess unparalleled ability, and I am sorry you feel upset by him, but he knew you were not going to buy anything before you even left your house.
by Retail Superstar September 29, 2011
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somebody who collects items or any high-end clothes or collectibles and refuses to buy online. they often refute others' opinions about the market value the existence or have their head in the clouds on the existence of scalping in the hobby and should often keep their opinion where the sun doesn't shine .often these people are like a retrumplican arguing with a Clinton lover. often times very hard-headed even when given a PowerPoint-like presentation. often the arguments with these people is like playing point-counterpoint.
guy 1 I really have had my eye on the new star wars line lately Stanly keeps saying I should wait to buy online and wait like 3 months when I know the value is going to skyrocket and be impossible to attain on my budget.
guy 2 Jesus this guy seems like a royal retail nazi is he always doing this!!???
guy 1 yes he constantly has to prove why he's right even though he has more access to stores
guy 2 wow he sounds like a real retail nazi I know things haven't been the same since the hip replacement it sucks that you can't hunt as you used too.
guy 1 yeah I don't even know why I bother with him it's like talking to a brick wall
guy 2 well just expand your circle plenty of other star wars collectors out there living on disability is hard and inflation isn't helping ignore the retail nazis they're just hating because they won't expand their portfolio
by rayjay91 February 8, 2023
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A one-stop destination for all your tech needs!
Need to buy electronics? Xiaomi Retail it!
by monuzzz November 29, 2022
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Either an incredibly smart person who can help you in a shopping crisis. Or a complete fuck-nugget who dicks around all day and decides not to help you period with anything due to a glandular problem, or just plain incompetence.

Some retail employees are exceptionally attractive males or females and sometimes you may lust after them to to the point of statutory rape.
That Retail employee is fucking around with my request, I hope Zeus casts lightning down upon him/her.

Did you see that female retail employee? Her ass was so round and firm you could do sexual things to it!
by Asshat McSpazzypants November 30, 2008
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