A popular song by Childish Gambino, or Donald Glover, played by Texas A&M University’s Football team before running out on the field.
“I can’t wait to wave my 12th Man flag to the sweet, sweet instrumentals of Bonfire”
by geoagcat October 28, 2022
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hey have you heard “bonfire” that one song by childish gambino? he’s got coke up his ass crack
by December 31, 2021
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When your neighbour gets jealous because your bonfire is massive so they try to make one too but it fails
Neighbour: oh wow look at their bonfire it's huge! I need to make one now!
Me: lol too bad your bonfire is gonna be shit!
Neighbour: damn it now I have bonfire envy
by leshlesh June 24, 2017
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When someone lights their pubes on fire and skull fucks an alligator
We had a Louisiana bonfire last night best time of my life
by Jfsyvc May 25, 2022
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marijuana smoking term - the act of opening a joint and letting the weed burn, then inhaling the smoke that comes off of the weed.
usually when the joint is to small to toke.
almost like using hash on a pin.
john > ah man that roach is to small, i cant hit it.
phil > shit, hey, do a tahitian bonfire
by thegreatestshowbagoneearthsux September 8, 2011
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