when you're hungry or have already eaten but could still eat more.
Can't wait for this dirty kebab, I've had the shelleys all day.
by ca11um_6 July 1, 2015
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A character from a show called South Park, her first appearance is in "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" season 1 episode 5. She is known for being Stan Marsh's sister. Shelley is 13 years old in the recent seasons. She has braces and messy brown hair. She's very rude to her brother. She is also the best character to ever exist.
Me: "Do you know who Shelley Marsh is?"
You: "Oh Shelly Marsh? From South Park yeah!! "
Me: "it's Shelley... Not Shelly... "
by ilovelasagnaaasm May 1, 2023
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(Adverb) - to add cocaine to something to “enhance it”
I went to the Olive Garden last night and ordered my spaghetti and meatballs Shelley Style.
by DonutKing321 June 5, 2021
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a chemistry teacher who beats kids for getting answers wrong
i have shelley hancock for science

careful she might rip ur cock off
by andrew_tate September 21, 2023
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A girl that wears a bun,plays tennis ,has a big nose and booty . SHES A PENIS
Oh that’s a Shelley Ross
by Shhhhh February 19, 2018
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Landon is an AMAZING person and he is cute, sweet, handsome, romantic, and so much more. He’s friendly to anyone he meets but if you do him wrong that’s on you. Everyone deserves a Landon, but don’t get mad if he’s already taken by the love of his life, let them be.
Example: Omg Landon Shelley is so cute. I wish he was mine, then i’d Really be treated right!
by Sportylife12345 January 8, 2019
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