Words used to finish off a sentence by those suffering from mental damage, a poor educational background, or simply a white trash lifestyle. Often used as a substitution for the slightly less unsavory phrase "or anything."
"Shucks, Super Walmart didn't have any 'Firebird' license plate frames or nothing. What to go shoot some squirrels?"
by FOD Import May 17, 2006
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Used as an introductory phrase to indicate that the principle phrase which follows is intended neither to be commanding nor officious, but simply as friendly advice or constructive observation.
Not for nothing, but you just bought the first iPad less than a year ago.
by Laquedem March 16, 2011
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Oh!you searched there is nothing?!well why don't cha search it on youtube and click on first video?it's so cute!
(Evil laughter)
P1:hey patrick wanna see somethin funny?
P1:just search there is nothing on youtube.
P2:i'm gonna have fuuuuuuuuuun.I'm gonna have fuuuuuuuuun.
by Emam jax October 7, 2017
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What a guy says when he knows what he's pissed off about is stupid, knows it will sound stupid coming out of his mouth, but can't quickly get over it.
Whats wrong?

"nothing...I said nothing....leave me alone dammit, you caring about whats wrong with me is whats wrong"
by roshne1206 June 9, 2006
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the word you say when asked what your doing by someone who walked in on you watching porn
don: *walks into room* HEY RICK WATCHA DOIN?
Rick: NOTHING! *closes browser*
by dodoooood June 1, 2009
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1.no thing; not anything; naught: to say nothing.

2.no part, share, or trace (usually followed by of ): The house showed nothing of its former magnificence.

3.something that is nonexistent.

4.nonexistence; nothingness: The sound faded to nothing.

5.something or someone of no importance or significance: Money is nothing when you're without health.
He ruins himself in promises and clears himself by giving nothing .
by my mom's friend's friend March 25, 2013
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It's a phrase you use towards someone when you want to stress a point that, although not really important, still bears mentioning. It's almost like when people say or write "just saying" at the end of a comment.
A girl throws a drink in your friend's face...

Friend: "I can't believe that bitch did that to me!"
You: "Not for nothing, but you were acting like an ass."

Friend: "I can't believe that bitch did that to me!"
You: "Well, you were acting like an ass. Just saying."
by not for nothing August 18, 2014
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