Jacknjellify's song where Four (the host of BFB) scolds and insults Loser for being manipulative, lying asshole just before he gets eliminated in BFB 16.
"You assume you're so righteous, so blind to your lying!"
-A line in Message To Loser.
by No u uhcunyviovcfnjm February 4, 2021
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Trip message (trip msg) refers to texting or messaging a person multiple times when they don't answer you.
I tried to ignore him but he started to trip message me.

I'll trip msg you if you don't reply this instant tho.
by pythonparanoia January 24, 2015
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When you call somebody, and their answering machine comes on. However, you think the person picked up the phone so you start talking and telling whatever the reason is your calling. Seconds later you realize the other person is talking too and you just heard a beep, but you've already talked half the tape full and you screw up the other half by trying to explain what happened...

Also leaving a message that completely misses the point, and doesn't contain the reason you called or your name could be considered a fools message.
Dude, I called my date from last night but I totally left a fools message. I don't think she'll go out with me again...
by Jasper Vondeling August 27, 2007
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little almost unnoticeable things someone would say to indicate they are into some crazy dominating shit in the bedroom that you wouldn't peg as red flags until after the fact.
Ana: "I mean, it was a suspect, at dinner I ordered the spaghetti but then Christian ordered me 'the beef tip and hot sticky buns'"
Megan: "You should've seen that one coming, total submissional messaging"
by moreritz January 20, 2015
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A voicemail or message left on an answering machine that is nothing but a few seconds of dead air.

Left by people who cannot, for some inexplicable reason, hang up the phone BEFORE the end of the outgoing message, but instead wait until the recording begins.
Lisa calls her friend Eric, and reaches his voicemail. Lisa has no intention of leaving a voicemail, but listens to the entirety of Eric's outgoing message (including the beep) before hanging up.

Eric's voice: Hey there, I'm not around right now. There's going to be a beep in a few seconds; you know what to do.


Lisa: .... *hangs up telephone*
by Lady Chevalier June 28, 2005
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A nasty, malicious and/or subtly unnerving text sent from someone (usually a current or ex-girlfriend) designed to get inside the recipient's head and ruin their day/night.

A good example would be 'Your roomate says Hi' from a recently broke up with ex girlfriend right as the former boyfriend is entering his favorite bar for the evening.
"yeah dude let's fuckin' party!"
*phone beeps, looks at phone, goes sheet white, swallows hard and puts the phone back in pocket*
"oh man looks like the ex-gf just hit him with the hex message, he's worthless for the night"
by Nick Beam May 10, 2008
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After ignoring a facebook message/text from a playa tryin' to "get with you", they proceed to send a second (or even THIRD) message.
Which you again ignore.
Playa:"lets hang out"
Playa:"whats your number?"
Playa:"we need to chill"

this ^ is a double message.
by Playahata696969 January 23, 2011
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