Lasso - Gooey
/ləˈsu ,ˈlasəʊ/ - /ˈɡu i/
noun - adjective
When ya boi can shoot lasso-like hoops of baby gravy.
Turn over heffer!, Time to pull her in with the ol' gooey lasso!! YEEE HAWWW!
by Detective Chimp July 13, 2021
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A sex trick usually performed in snuff films. During this maneuver, a male takes is penis and wraps it around his victims neck. He then proceeds to hang the victims from a high place, suffocating the victim with his massive dong.
If I go out, I want to make it memorable... Johnny, get your Meat Lasso ready! It's time to shine...
by EatMyDictionary April 6, 2016
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When you rub hot sauce on your penis then cover it in dried peppers and after all that go balls deep in your lover but more specifically in the anal cavity
Dude my girlfriend was crying after we did the “Latino Lasso
by Gapesaregoodwhenbusted May 23, 2019
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Going “Full Lasso” describes one who is fully engaged in celebration. Usually under the influence of alcohol or illicit substances, Full Lasso is a state of pure ecstatic enjoyment.

Synonyms: feelin it, lit, litty titty, going ham, balls deep
I just broke up with my girlfriend, def going Full Lasso tonight!

The band was raging last night, they definitely went Full Lasso.

That dude is Full Lasso right now, he’s really feelin it.
by Boogerboiz December 7, 2019
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When a woman is trying extremely hard to capture a mate by being seductive or flashing her vagina.
Gabriela tried to use her labia lasso on Steve because she wanted to take him home from the bar for sex.
by L0wGun October 14, 2015
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A sexual act so disturbing that only the most filthy mongrels take part in. Random assortments of anal, masturbation, oral, and usually ends on a rusty hook.
I'm going to take part in the llama lassoing this weekend at camp, we'll go out back and destroy our eyes.
by Lovelylady93 August 9, 2019
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