a bitch who sleeps around with EVERYONE and their man 😤🙄
ex:Ellen Carow
this bitch ass hoe is fucking my man 😐
by haircoil101 June 21, 2019
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a bunch of eddies.
"Rocks in the stream bed obstruct the flow of water causing the current to break into EDDIES so that the stream slows."

they are jealous attention whores that will ruin you just to get a piece of you. at the end of the day if you pay them any mind, they win.
i could not do my homework because these hoes weren't letting me do me.
by weezy f wifey October 17, 2018
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a long-handled gardening tool with a thin metal blade, used mainly for weeding and breaking up soil.
by gardenhoe13 August 22, 2017
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Yo that hoe smells like shrimp

Who, shilia? Ikr, fucking talopia frfr
by Skimpyshrimpy January 30, 2019
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1.A farming tool in Minecraft, plantation
2. Santa when he sees hot women in local area
3. Oh hoesana
“Dude, my hoe’s got loyalty IV!”
“Lol but does she do it hard and fast
“Not really, I better give it silk Touch”c
by stonebullets February 5, 2022
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