When someone eats with reckless regard usually involving and not limited to ignoring errant food particles on face and, if applicable, in facial hair, shoveling food into one's mouth before completely swallowing the previous bite, utilizing every finger on every hand, and uncontrollable stares from spectators. Throwing up results in an automatic disqualification.
That guy always comes in here with his competitive eating etiquette like no one else comes to McDonald's. Show some class.
by cheezerguy October 11, 2009
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Refers to the (unfortunately very-seldom-practiced!) consideration of using a separate hand-held rubber eraser --- or at least to slip on one of those much-longer-lasting wedge-shaped "supplementary" eraser-caps if you know you'll be doing a lot or error-expunging --- to clean most of your mistakes instead of just mindlessly consuming your pencil's minuscule built-in eraser, so that you don't wear da entire 0%!$&#@ eraser clear down to the metal ferrule before the pencil's even been "sharpened away" much at all, causing any unfortunate person who subsequently attempts to use said pencil to not have any eraser left for "emergency" erasures (i.e., where he needs to make a quick correction in a tense/flurried situation, like trying to hastily jot down a phone number or address, or to quickly fill out a form where neatness is a must). It helps eliminate waste, as well --- think how many still-perfectly-usable pencils (i.e., they still have most of their "length" remaining) likely get discarded just because their erasers are worn down.
I always bring along a few pencil cap erasers in my purse, since I know how few people actually practice pencil-eraser etiquette, and so oftentimes the only pencils that will be lying around for people to use will not have any eraser left.

P.S. There's also such a thing as "pencil-POINT etiquette --- if ya wear down the lead in a "public" pencil, such as a string-tethered one for a "customer comments" notes-box, practice a little fellow-human consideration by scraping away a bit of the wood at the tip to expose a little of the graphite core again (here's where always carrying a small pen-knife --- or even better, one of those tiny two-finger-grip "dog-bone" or "hourglass" style sharpeners --- can come in handy), so that da next patron who wishes to fill out a store-satisfaction card can have enough of a point on da pencil to actually do so!
by QuacksO November 17, 2018
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A few simple "no brainer" rules that, if we'd all follow them, would make posting/reading paper ads/notices a much more pleasant and peaceable experience for everyone involved.
The "perfect five" rules of community bulletin-board etiquette:
(1) Each poster should be limited to one message per board, unless he is posting two or more "unrelated" ads/notices.
(2) Notices should be a maximum size of an 8-1/2X11 sheet of paper --- don't selfishly hog a whole gigantic portion of board-space with those 0%!$&@# huge-a** blaze-orange/fuchsia/chartreuse banner-sheets from da Dollar Tree's art-paper bin!
(3) Only attach notices to a blank portion of the board --- don't imperiously plaster your poster over everyone else's, regardless of whether you think your message is so much more all-fired important! If there’s insufficient room, make at least a half-a** effort to solve the problem rationally/fairly --- shift other people's sheets around on the board to form a "tighter" grouping, seek out and remove any "obsolete" (event-dates that have already passed) messages, etc.
(4) Don’t use the last “empty” thumbtack/pushpin on the board, or snitch one from someone else’s page! If the supply of available fasteners is running low, add a few tacks/pins of your own! Plus if you see someone else’s poster dangling/flapping by just one corner, pin it back up again.
(5) Choose a spot on the board that’s appropriate to your ad’s subject/urgency. If it’s about a lost/found valuable, super-important event, or desperately-needed item, place the ad near the center of the board. But if it’s merely a “for sale” ad or general notice, place it near the board's top/bottom/sides.
by QuacksO July 24, 2018
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PBE- Noun-The courtesy often given back & forth or expected between comrades whilst smoking marijuana or any orher than pink or purAlso, the process of clearing out the stale, leftover smoke that lingers in the chamber.
"Hey man, you hear about the LIT! party that's going on tonight? Last time no one thought PBE was a real thing!

The proper bong etiquette is crucial in a group session of smoking....
by Staci Rogert, *"PINKIE"* February 24, 2023
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Also referred to as Pit Ethics, Pit Etiquette is the expected behavior and base rules of any given mosh pit. No loose jewelry, no spikes, if someone falls, pick them up, etc.
Person A: I'm hardcore, I don't need your rules, FUCK THE SYSTEM!
Person B: Dude, just take off your studs, it's Pit Etiquette.
by futuristicAntique January 2, 2017
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The time at which it is deemed acceptable for a movie/TV show plot to be discussed in your group of friends without being worried about ruining it for others, because fans of the film/episode would have watched it as soon as they were able to.

Movies - 1 week. Fans of the film would be able to attend a screening within one week of the films release.

TV shows - 1 day. The true lovers of this show will live stream it or record/TiVo the episode and watch it as soon as possible.
"Dude, why are you so mad that I talked about who died in Game of Thrones this week? The show aired on Wednesday and it's Saturday. Spoiler etiquette has been upheld!"
by Pig-Teacher December 30, 2016
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The art of sanitary cleansing post- fecal extrusion

Following societal rules for proper fecal handling and sanitation
In countries such as India, proper poop etiquette requires one to wipe with the left hand only.

You must teach young children proper poop etiquette so they aren’t the stinky kid in class.
by EyenTheTerrible May 28, 2019
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