The day when the arse falls out of a small team from North Woolwich and they remain in the shadow of the greatest team in North London #NLISOURS #COYS
Remember when North Woolwich started to dream and then Chris Hughton turned up on St Arseholes Day.
by Uncle Schmidt May 6, 2019
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Pissing into your own arsehole
Meaning, your fucking yourself up.
Pissing into my arsehole
Meaning, something or somebody is fucking me up.
Pissing into their arsehole
Meaning, i'm going to fuck somebody up.
Pissing into my own arsehole
Meaning, i'm gonna fuck myself up.
"He's pissing into his own arsehole drinking that"
"It's friday and i'm going to piss into my own arsehole"
"Is that true or are you pissing into my arsehole"
by Anton bevermarsh October 1, 2020
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A pub game often played by members of various football clubs. Also performed by Australian servicemen. It involves seeing who can last the longest with a burning newspaper shoved up their arse.
Taken from Wikipedia:
"One of the "hallowed traditions" bestowed upon the area by sojourning sailors, eg. from Australia, was the ritualistic "Dance Of The Flamers" or "Dance Of The Flaming Arseholes" on top of the infamous toilet's roof. Compatriots on the ground would chant the signature "Haul 'em down you Zulu Warrior" song whilst the matelots performed their act."
by The Sidhe April 16, 2006
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"his sister's name is lily,
she's a pro in piccadilly,
and his mother's yet another in the strand,
his father flogs his arsehole,
at the elephant and castle,
they're the finest fucking family in the land!"
by theWestHamfan December 5, 2003
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"he's as ugly as a bagful of arseholes"
by martin December 6, 2004
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When your with a group of people and someone farts without saying safety, but no one knows who did it.

Also known as a UFA
Char "Who did it, someone own up"
Josh "It was just another Unidentified Farting Arsehole"
by Bigcharsnudes October 3, 2018
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