Some one that seems,to be Weak soft and sweet but Secretly uses that, to their advantage to Fuck over the ones that try to Fuck with Them First...Trojan Horse 🐎 ....Game Player .....the Player That hides her poker face always wins
She's a Rook Wick better watch your back!
by Chris Nasser January 14, 2018
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A wicked wizzerino is when you need to pee like hella and you need to do so in a swaggy manor.
My boi had to leave the game of Blackjack to take a Wicked Wizzerino, a gnarly piss.
by Sockdad February 21, 2021
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A rare delecacy widely enjoyed by the asian-australian community
it is often sold at chicken shops
Me: Dan, Amy Check out all the asians keen for some wicked wings
Amy: Yeah Liam, we'll need to cook more (-_-)
by Fred foopa April 1, 2012
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Acting in a crazy manner and/or doing something that would be considered unacceptable or unforgivable by others.
Cashier:“I’m sorry, sir, but we are momentarily closed”
Crackhead: “Pffft! You lot are MOVING WICKED cuz”
*Crackhead storms out*
by Wickedmoves April 27, 2020
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The stars have aligned, everything is shiny and you have some excess time on your hands. Time to burn a blunt. Time to "Flick the Wick". Light it up.
All my chores are done let's flick the wick.
by Pauly pumpernickel November 7, 2013
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1. When you gotta take a massive shit

2. When a girl has a really nice bum
3. Somethings that's totally fucking awesome
"Hey look at her wicked poopa!!"

"That was wicked poopa!"

"I gotta take a wicked poopa!"
by WICKED POOPAAAAAA February 27, 2016
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when a group of homeless 52 year olds gang rapes a 7 year old.
hey guys, we should johny boi wick that 7 year old...
by nigger whipper 900000000 January 11, 2019
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