Person 1 : You know that guy named Khoa Tran
Person 2: Yes
by papiah December 21, 2022
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A person that displays a wicked/atrocious attitude and/or violent tendencies towards Transgender people.
Fetishizes heinous physical and/or sexual acts towards Transgender people.
Mr X was charged with a Trans-heinous crime.
by service101 January 25, 2023
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A derrogetory term for specifically, transgender individuals with problematic weight and eating habits.
Not to be confused with trans-fats within the food industry.

This term is mostly used as a denouncement of a transgender individual who is lying about their need of gender-affirming care and support; usually for the means of an easy way to gain sympathy or attention. Unfortunately, this term is popularized by media in the 2020s for the use of bullying or engaging in verbally abusing apparent overweight transgender individuals.
Trans Fat/shet defines an individual transgender person who is dishonest about their intent of identity

1. Oh no. Cathryn (formerly known as Kyle) wanted to start an Only Fans Account, but wants to look like a girl so she can scam people with sexual services. How very trans fat of her.

2. Grace (formerly known as George) is a transhet because she doesnt care about other transgender people, and is only wants people to treat her like a lady... Meaning she demands people to respect her and do things for her because she feels thats what people have to do for "girls".
by Catty Katie November 8, 2023
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A transgender man who still has their penis and likes/prefers to use it to penetrate their partner during sex.
Toni (a trans top man) topped me last night when we had sex.
by XandYchromosomes February 3, 2023
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Trans-gay -> To be a transgender person, and also like the same gender as the one you transitioned to.
Person 1: I'm trans-gay

Person 2: oh good I was confused on what to say your Sexuality was
by Atl4s the trans-straight January 10, 2023
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hedcannoning pyro from tf2 as trans
soldier:trans pyro
scout:trans pyro
pyro:mph mph
by raybeez February 10, 2022
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