senior year is very overated, you wait 3 years of high school to rule the school relax and take easy classes and enjoy the experience only to realize that you still have to apply to colleges maintain decent enough grades and still wake up 5 days a week at 6 am. Sure there is more freedom you can drive to school get jobs and take part time attendance but these perks are overshadowed by a seemingly growing obnoxious student body lazy and ambivalent teachers and losing sports teams. caused by coaches bringing their freshman sons up to play varsity and cutting seniors in a failed attempt to build for the future. Senior year means that you can date anyone from a lower grade but why would you want to? most are slutty, (std ridden) annoying or just flat prude. While the pretty girls in your grade date the stoners who attend the local community college

In conclusion as a freshman, senior year seems awesome but when you actually finally get there its a disapointment

Prom and senior trips don't make up for a year of nonsense. The schools way of trying to pay you back for a year you don't need
guy1:senior year sucks, how long till graduation?

guy2: 6 months

guy1: 6 months is an eternity in this place.
by yosaidthat December 1, 2011
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that year were you think your coooooooooooooool. You have stupid truth or dares and rumours spread faster that the plauge
Shit we are going into Year 7
by CryingAlon August 17, 2018
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The last years of a person's life. Someone in their twilight years is often elderly.
"My grandma became incredibly mean in her twilight years"
by Hello My Darling August 30, 2011
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year 9’s think they are the best because they’re not lower school anymore and give nasty looks. Also have the most chavs in their year.
“I walked past s as year 9 and she gave me the nastiest look, who tf does she think she is with those eyebrows
by uzzywrld November 2, 2019
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a year off between high school and college/university.
Taking a gap year is very popular in the UK
by epical May 5, 2006
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Year 9 third year of secondary education. Year 9 has the hardest girls, the biggest slags and funniest boys, the y9’s have a lot of fights. The y9’s don’t care about there work and lessons they act like they own the school and fights anyone who gets in there way
Everyone running towards a crowd*
Y11’s - “wow these year 9 have so much fights
by Baliss72772 July 15, 2019
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A laptop computer ages sixteen years for every human year.
"Dad, I NEED a new laptop! This one is already two years old. That's THIRTY-TWO in laptop years! I can't go to high school with thirty-two-year-old laptop."

"Yeah, my laptop is five years old. That's EIGHTY in laptop years. Sure, she's grumpy and slow, but I'm used to the keyboard and I know where all my programs are. It's like this old La-Z-Boy: molded to my butt."
by Kate Saybrook December 11, 2009
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