The geographic point in a border state of the south past which the majority of residents speak in a traditonal southern accent.
Jane thinks anything above Tampa is The South, but I'd say Florida's y'all line is around Orlando.
by JuleeCruises September 26, 2007
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Plural possesive form of y'all. Used when addressing a group of 3 or more. Not to be confused with all y'alls, the plural non possesive form.

Sometimes spelled as all ya'll's, depending on what state you are in.
Hey, all y'all's car alarms are going off!

by MichelleW August 1, 2006
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when a girl and/or guy will not leave their spouse alone. this problem mostly occurs with love, and with long distance relationships. this crazed person fakes their death, fakes committing suicide on a daily basis, and lies and being in a wheel chair (from the "attempted" suicide). these "y'all" bitches mostly graze in texas. but some can be found in peru.
A: What's up?
B: I got this "y'all" bitch in texas. She won't leave me the fuck alone!
by Hide Me! June 16, 2009
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Good way of saying goodbye, or of being in the mix of a conversation and needing a reply that fixes things... up into integrity. Peace on it can be good too if people can get it that that's necessary to have been said - otherwise they might look at you and say weird things...
Peace y'all - happening out of it soon to be in...
by Clarion Smith February 9, 2016
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