What you say during a press meeting if the discussion or brief is about the mission's illegality
Haig: Sir their requests are highly irregular, most likely illegal. If the press gets old

Mason: What the hell are you talking about? Do you know who we are?
Woods: Every mission we go on is illegal
by Sebastian294 February 21, 2021
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way of asking “we gonna go?”
mart - we go go skating tomorrow?
yash - yneh
by yoyoq August 27, 2022
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Generally uttered when a person with whom the speaker barely tolerates with repeats their ludicrous, deluded drivel of actions and/or words.
Tim: You can't defeat me! I am the best in this game!
Mark: Here we go.
Tim: I have a perfect streak of 12 wins!
Ben: Tim, we've always let you won because you could never shut up about losing.
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An abbreviation for "Where do we go," when the author is tired and farming Culling of Stratholme late at night, post raid.
Sleighty: I thought it was some saying I didn't know.
Zie: WELL, it is now! But no, I'm just an idiot.

Sleighty: I expect you to say it before we fight Mal'Ganis.
Zie: *Arthas runs up to Mal'Ganis* We do we go!
by Zielikki January 28, 2023
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‘We Go Takeshi With It’ is a term used mainly by the Call of Duty community. 69 being the point of interest, players will call out the term after a loss/defeat prompting others to go again. Usually 69 Times.
Assnee : God damn we almost had that!

Ratnuu: Don’t worry bro, We Go Takeshi With It
by Johnny bruce December 12, 2018
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When making the action of passing an object one would say ‘there we go Julie’ to assert ones homosexuality and presence.
Stuart gave mark his change and felt a flamboyant exchange taking place. To celebrate the moment Stuart femininely and quietly said ‘There we go Julie’.
by Gaypopbang November 17, 2019
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A line of dialogue mostly used by barbers when they mess up in the process of giving someone a fresh cut when this happens they say "we gotta go bald" which means that they will have to shave the persons hair and turn them into Aang from Avatar.
by rose_strange October 12, 2021
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