A code word for hard alcohol, typically used in a college setting
Are we studying Saturday night?

I was studying so much this weekend I can't even remember what happened.
by psycho3991 March 27, 2013
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Code word given when speaking of smoking marijuana when over the phone or in public.

Also see homework
So bring your pipe over and we'll "study"
by Vega6794 January 30, 2003
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The act of texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby.
by DA SEXY PENGUIN July 13, 2013
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The act of texting, eating, and watching TV with an open textbook nearby
My mom told me to go study, so I did.
by damnmexican January 30, 2012
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A process of self-inflicted pain. Can be split into 3 main parts:
1. Worrying about when to start studying 2 weeks before the test
2. Flopping on the couch with your phone and a book 1 day before the test
3. Frantically flipping through the pages of the book half an hour before the test at school
Damn u studying? Why the fuck is your phone next to u?
by w killer 3312 October 5, 2020
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