When annoyed, agitated or just messin wit someone who is on thier way to annoying you, it siply means "eff-off"
John: Hey Cathy What you wanna do tonight?
Cathy: Go away I don'e LIKE you.
John: You know what forget you.
Cathy: Fine then, Suck my left butt- cheek!
by Rara isbooyaa May 3, 2007
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When you fart so hard you poop in your pants and it spreads all throughout your shit butt. Usually a side effect of the weed being too fire.
Brayden: Holy shit this weed so fye I just farty poopsed on my shit butt
Brayden: I guess it's a severe case of Farty poops on my shit butt
by Sargonasa November 25, 2021
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One of the many gems that come from the mighty brain of Homer Simpson.
Marge: According to this magazine, Bart might be jealous of her Lisa.
Homer: Well, Bart can kiss my hairy yellow butt.
by SixSixSixx September 30, 2006
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“That makes my butt hard” (“making my butt hard-verb version) is an expression that can have slightly different meanings depending on the circumstance, but generally the expression is used in a positive manner. This positive expression can be used in the following ways (however not limited to what is listed):

1) Used to agree with someone.

2) Used to express attraction towards someone else.

3) Can be used to convey a general liking of something, some place, or someone.
• These bean and cheese tacos are “making my butt hard”!
•Dude, tone it down with the cologne! You’re “making my butt hard”.
•Girl, You makes my butt hard ….no no…that’s a good thing. No…I’m not into anal play… I guess I was trying to say that you give me an erection, but didn’t want to come across as an agro alpha male.
by $wen$on August 21, 2021
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An insult I made up meaning that someone speaks such bullshit that it's equivalent to licking someone's ass
by Flamingecko November 20, 2020
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when butthole is itchy
son: “mom, i’ve got a crab in my butt!”
mom: “itch it honey!”
by cookoutconnoisseur May 19, 2022
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