A group intervention conducted by Facebook friends when they witness a fellow friend lose their mind.
Jon keeps posting these status update rants that have become stranger by the minute. I think he needs a 'Facebook intervention (F.B.I)"

Facebook rant
by RZ at Jec July 13, 2011
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the theory or practice of intervening in one's own life
I don't get all these nation-states and their interventionism stuffs hurting one another. Yeah ya know auto-interventionism is all the rage these days – ya know emo stuff. Why all this globocop bosh going down; when that goth life so hype¿
by MurdochMaxwell November 10, 2020
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A female that hates the group that rejected her throughout her life, males that are not effeminate.
The intervention clown didn't want to allow males to be males because for her that meant more rejection and not as much to gain. She wanted people to stop doubting her, start respecting her, and start taking her seriously, even though they had always noticed that she was a clown who looked and sounded serious.
by Solid Mantis April 21, 2021
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Someone that wants to change the definition of reality and call the sky green just to be argumentative about something.
The intervention clown wanted to look for trouble with people and run some of them off from their own neighborhoods, even though she wasn't from their neighborhood herself, while trying to call them the bully, or the ones trying to dominate somebody else.
by Solid Mantis April 21, 2021
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Hair extensions that are visible, grown out, or otherwise look fake.
When a friend's extensions look really terrible, you have to tell her, ie Britney Spears needs an extension intervention.
by hip austin mom December 7, 2011
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What any ball-swinging male would do for any of his buddies once they start listening to Tame Impala because of some hippy chick they are banging this month.
We have to execute a testicular intervention for Brandon. He said he is taking Madison to see Hamilton in Kinnebuckport next Friday.
by Umm111 September 13, 2020
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When you need a software developer's help to accomplish basic things in a system.
This system is unusable, we need DEVine intervention even to update an order's status.
by Gabriel_R June 8, 2023
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