An Indoor Pool is a pool that is usually found indoors, usually found in the Northern Parts of the country, or at higher end hotels.
If you want to go swimming, Go back to the North and get in your "Indoor Pool", Shannon.
by SouthUrban May 14, 2015
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When it's illegal to call it winter guard bc u get the short end of the stick,, also guaranteed to make most people laugh or be totally confused
"Um wtf is an indoor ensemble"
by jas.m.ine_ January 3, 2017
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A helmet specially made for mentally slow people so that they do not injure themselves while performing menial daily activities. Usually given as an award for incredibly stupid or dangerous behavior.
Rob : Shit bobby just flipped over the coffee table in the dark again!

Jan : that dumbass, the light switch is right there!

Rob : Well, he gets the Indoor Helmet of the Day Award again!

Bobby : OWWWW!
by Kainaluboi July 6, 2012
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Indoor Furniture is slang for a girls box in guy lingo. Ask a brother how the girl's indoor furniture feels and you are effectively asking "how'd the inside of her vagina feel?"

Other common uses:
"Did you get to see the indoor furniture?"

"Was the indoor furniture comfortable?"
"I spilled all over her indoor furniture!"
She had some raggity indoor furniture (She was not well groomed)
Her indoor furniture was kind of slippery (She's a squirter)
Her indoor furniture was really worn! (Man, she loose as hell)
by MattMastaP June 10, 2015
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1. Movie deemed too highfalutin, sophisticated or stuffy to be the right fit in drive-in theaters.
2. Wimpy cigarette lighter that won't fire in even the slightest hurricane.
I have to flick my indoor bullstuff illegally in the doorway before I can take my smoke outside.
by Milt Alwin April 24, 2009
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the act of ejaculating into a females vagina. word to jack buckley
i committed indoor recess with a random broad from capo basement last night.
by fluffboi69 May 2, 2022
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A cup filled with hard boiled eggs that are eaten whilst playing Rollerblade Racer on an NES
Hey Jean, pass the cup of "indoor snowballs" I'm hungry
by Throw your Shoe March 8, 2014
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