1 be told or informed of, usually to deliberately be made or meant to deceive; to allege, lie or otherwise speak untruth.

2. be circulated as an unverified account.
I amber-heard that Jesus was born of a virgin.

“YahWey created the universe.”

“Where did you amber-heard that?”
by Most_Unclean May 7, 2022
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The first woman in history to lose an argument against a man.
Amber Heard will always be remembered as the first woman in history to lose an argument against a man.
by The Walking Psychopath June 24, 2022
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Kate: "I'm disgusted by Amber Heard and her actions. I can't believe she would lie about something so serious!"
Chris: "I know. Justice for Johnny Depp!"
by isabelle222 April 24, 2022
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A verb for when someone takes a shit on your bed.
Dude, someone just did an Amber Heard on my bed.
by Dengal April 21, 2022
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The act of shitting on your significant others pillow.
Did you seriously just do an Amber Heard to my pillow??
by The Sillyiest Sally April 22, 2022
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