This means that the discussions are tedious and literally no one cares about them! Most students just find some answer on google and summarize it as their discussion.
Students don’t forget to finish your canvas discussions tonight. Its worth 10 points!
by clife March 11, 2021
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A double negative which -makes it by earth math standards- a positive verb.
Dis-; having a negative or reversing force | cuss; to swear at, curse.
I.e. double pun.
The discription of discuss should be self explanatory
by retromouse May 22, 2018
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Talking about something in a group.
teacher: students, let's have a discussion about the chapter we learned.
by mimiyoya<3 March 5, 2022
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Talking about something in a group.
teacher: students, let's have a discussion about the chapter we learned.
by mimiyoya<3 March 5, 2022
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Hym "I'd love to have a discussion about how feline aids affects the stray-cat community."

Iam 😰 "But WHY though?"

Hym 🤷 ♂️ "Something to talk about..."

Iam "I guess but still... Who would even want to have that conversation?"

Hym "I donno but that's the problem with society nowadays."

Iam 🤨"That... No one wants to talk about feline aids?"
by Hym Iam August 20, 2023
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A person entering a, usually controversial, discussion with the most surface-level, stereotype-based, and hyperbolic arguments possible. Their take then becomes the easy go-to meme response that spreads, resulting in a form of Flanderization for the discussion as a whole, cutting any nuance or complexity to the discourse and adding undeserved importance to it.

Some of the more prevalent examples of this are in discussions of Fermi's paradox, where the go to is, "Aliens don't talk to us because we're stupid," despite how much it's implying about the aliens in question. And arguments about America not using the metric system, with the reason often being, "Americans are too stupid and lazy to understand it," forcing a stereotype and ignoring any actual reasons the US hasn't switched over.
Since these arguments are often done for quick validation, they often have little to no research backing them either due to overconfidence of being right, or an unconscious fear of having to think complexly.
commenter 1: omfg why don't Americans just switch to metric already, why are they too dumb to do government.
commenter 2: You could leave and google how states' rights work, fucking discussion pollution.
by dirtwashere April 9, 2023
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