When a stinky Mexican knowingly gives their partner an epic case of the crabs. This usually takes place at a small family gathering of some sort, (this is a common event for using a chafing dish.)
Juan threw a fiesta last weekend, which resulted in giving a Mexican chafing dish to four cousins, two grandparents, and the gardener.
by juciepinktacos August 19, 2011
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A condition brought about by the chafing of male parts on underclothing, such as compression shorts or underpants, which usually occurs during long runs. It is characterized by:

- Rubbed-raw feeling

- Small amounts of blood

- Intense Discomfort of the dick

- Burning/Itching of the dick
Robert: Hey Josh, how are you feeling after that 1&1/2 mile warmup, all-out mile and 1&1/2 mile cooldown?

Josh: Awww man my dick is on fire, I think all the running got CCDCC (Cross Country Dick Chafing Condition)!

McCottonatle: Me too! Awww man its like my dick's in an oven with porcupines!
by HL_Sportaliogist_Man August 15, 2010
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An absolute shithead, likes to try and steal your customers and is an utter man-made catastrophe.
You think I dont notice what you're up to? You filthy chafede, I caught you!

I was walking up the creek this-morning and I saw some absolute monger sitting near the stream pumping hotties, nek minut hes choking on the smoke, what a bloody chafede !

Hey there, Mitch, you fucking chafede.
by Chafede Inventer.com May 12, 2019
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This apparatus is a rigidly constructed of Tubular Carbon Steel, ( the stuff the Space Shuttle is made of ) anti-crush Frame provides support for individuals (the Dish)who’s Massive girth prevent them from love making with others (the Sterno) in the Prone Position .
And Candi Loveheart the well travel working girl said,, “Okayyy how about sliding onto the “Chafing Frame”, and we’ll give the old under carriage a look see ,, Shall we???
by Davie Dee August 18, 2011
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Mostly during a physical activity. Your asscheeks start to rub Together therefore making a chafe
Damn I’m getting a nasty cheek chafing

right now!
by Yucky Child Charmer February 10, 2020
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when you fuck to much and your pussy starts to get a rash/starts to chafe
"Why are you walking like that" - Scott "I fucked my boyfriend 3 times yesterday and now i have a chafing chalupa!" -Becky
by toastytits6911 May 25, 2017
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When your balls are so chafed, they look like cherries.
Dude, ive been chafing all day. Looks like I got some chafed cherries.
by Cr4zy_Playz December 10, 2017
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