When you need something so bad, that you can't see it even if it's in front of your face.
I looked at the key holder ten times, but I was so need-blind I couldn't find my keys.
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The undercover identity of Toph Bei-Fong from the TV show "Avatar: The Last Airbender." At a very young age, she signed up for a fighting tournament under this name to escape her parents' detection, and proceeded to kick the asses of all people (mostly grown men) who dare to stand before her.
And now, I give you your champion... The Blind Bandit!

I will offer up this sack of gold to anyone who can defeat the Blind Bandit! ...What? No one dares challenge her?
by medianoche27 January 18, 2009
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Blind attack is a dangerous overtaking technique, which you turn off the headlights of a car to overtake the vehicle in front of you while being cloaked by the dark night as you try to overtake the car in pitch dark.
Whoa, that car just did a blind attack on that truck!
by eurobeatman December 4, 2017
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A person who is blind illegally, and has a warrant for being blind.
"Hey, you're illegally blind! Get over here!"
by ArthurM0rgan November 20, 2019
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A blind tiger is an establishment that sells bootleg beer or whiskey in a dry county.
Grandma operated the best blind tiger in De Kalb County, Alabama
by Cranberry Bob March 16, 2020
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The lack of ability to see how ugly your eyebrows are.
"I wasn't sure if she was extremely surprised, or if she just had a facelift. Her eyebrows were distracting. - She must have been suffering from brow blindness"

"cdn.diply.com/img/11f2bb65-6983-4b3e-995b-3967bd29e877.jpg - This person is suffering from a serious case of brow blindness"

"Did you look yourself in the mirror when you did your eyebrows, or do you suffer from brow blindness?"
by Benny Frost October 16, 2014
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someone who is blind to their own hypocrisy, even after other people try to explain to him/her of their hypocrisy
A: "I hate people that complain about other people; they're SO annoying!"
B: "You're being a blind hippo"
A: "How is that?"
B: "You're complaining about people that complain about people."
A: "How does that make me a blind hypocrite?!"
by itsANGiE February 16, 2008
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