Generally some no-talent dickbag who slummed their way into social media without any knowledge of how to use it for anything other than gaining followers for themselves, attending events, and generally whoring themselves out, because they're 22 and don't know how to business.

See also:

social media -


any other horseshit that tries to make them sound important while also being the lowest paid person on staff
"Hi serious client, I'd like to introduce you to our social media guru!"
"Wow, way to throw their credibility directly out the door! I can't wait to work with them!"
by wulgusfactory February 12, 2015
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Upload that to twitter, Facebook, etc...
That pic is sweet, social media that shit!
by EasyD803 December 22, 2013
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Random burst of overactivity on your personal social networking sites.
Posting frequently in short periods of time to your twitter, facebook, tumblr, etc.

Girl 1: "Did you see the 12 posts from Jack in the last five minutes on his facebook?!?!"

Girl 2: "Yeah I think he just had a Social Media Seizure"
by k8iegurl April 19, 2011
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A person that is good looking and uses social media sites (i.e. Facebook, instagram, twitter, etc.) to make themselves seem cocky and cool. But when meeting the person they are awkward and unsure of themselves.
Girl 1: I met Jeff last night.
Girl 2: Oh how did that go?
Girl 1: He was really only social media cocky, it was unfortunate. He seemed so cool online.
by coolasacucumber February 9, 2013
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A person who posts things on social media, looking like she/he has the most awesome life ever, looking like she/he is very popular and/or looking like they're really hot. But in real life they are nothing more than a plain person, or even just a loser.
The social media faker can go pretty far with trying to look awesomer than they are in real life. things such as making fake accounts and using it following themselves, commenting and liking het posts, use certain like/follow apps that get them more likes and followers.
But also just changing their outer appearance by editing their pictures -too much- or talking like they're highclass
Did you see Nora's new post?

Yeah she's such a Social Media Faker.
by Tigercute January 9, 2016
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It's a word/title that is usually used to describe someone that is always connected to social media sites giving updates constantly, yet rarely socializes with any of the friends or followers in real life.
Ive had nine updates and check ins from Kerry today, she is such a social media butterfly
by The Real Deal Rob September 12, 2011
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Developing an awkward crush on a stranger over social media
Have you seen that guys vines? I'm like totally in love with him, I think I have a social media crush
by Lila March 2, 2015
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