such an amazing band - I can't really say much more about them that hasn't been said. My favourite song is Street Spirit (Fade Out) please look at my definition for that song because it has some amazingly profound interview material from Thom Yorke in it, that when i read it took my breath completely away.
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Radiohead is awesome, but honestly, you don't define it on a dictionary website or in any dictionary for that matter... because that's ridiculous... it's not even a word for God's sake.
And mister "Radiohead is for intelligent people," you're embarrassing all of us... spell your words correctly
by George May 18, 2004
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aside from the band
its when you get a stupid radio song or jingle stuck in your head all day (because your radio alarm clock woke you up with it)
I've got fierce bad radiohead today! its Marty in the morning! going round and round, I'm GOING INSANE!
by sibergoth November 24, 2005
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The stage in a person's life when they realize that Radiohead is quite possibly the best band to have ever existed. For a music enthusiast, it's like going through puberty.
Kid A: Hey man you were serious about Radiohead, they're genius!
Kid B: Looks like someone hit their Radiohead Epiphany.
by thom, seriously. January 11, 2012
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people who slag off radiohead. It is a well known fact these people are very unintelligent
idiots are those who hate radiohead. i hate radiohead slagers
by thom yorke the real one October 27, 2005
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WARNING! Let it be known.... Radiohead is a decent band & this is not an attack on the SENSIBLE fans/band in anyway .
However, a particular type of their fan base is well known for employing Jehovah Witness like mentality on people who dislike/ have no opinion on the aforementioned band.
Radiohead Elitism is a complex that usually develops in the late teens - early/mid 20's although some fans never outgrow the mentality.

The typical Radiohead Elitist is often in attendance at some prestigious college for something like say.. med school.

while often intelligent, commonly they are also smarmy, pompous, turtle-neck wearing douches.

Radiohead Elitists will compare all & any band to their Idolized band, proclaiming how much more "advanced", "diverse, complex and experimental" the almighty Radiohead is in comparison to any other band.. regardless of how un-alike the 2 are.

Worst of all, typical Radiohead Elitists will try to insinuate, if you DARE say that Thom Yorke and the gang are overrated, critics completely kiss their ass, or simply that you do not like them ...that this is simply because you "do not understand them" "they are too far from the mainsteam that you listen to".

This know-it-all Reborn Christian mentality alienates countless potential fans and can make enjoying/listening to Radiohead quite difficult. YES thats right ....DIFFICULT to ENJOY RADIOHEAD!

Such fans can be dealt with by simply calling out Musical Elitists on their snobbery.
A: Radiohead are alright, Theres a handfull of songs I like but as a whole, they are IMO VERY overrated.

B: Thats okay, it took me a while to get into Radiohead, I didnt start liking them until I had fully matured, their pretty experimental, I wouldnt expect someone like you who listens to a lot of main stream and bands following in their footsteps to "Get" them

A: Oh god! a Radiohead Elitist.... Ive heard of them but Ive never seen one for myself before.

B: Just because you cant UNDERSTAND THEM! go listen to your RadioheadLite Coldplay and your shitty Beatles! Matt Bellamy and all those tossers are shit compared to Thom Yorke....Thom Yorke is A GOD!

A: You are such a smug little pompous prick!
I listen to ALL kind of music, because Im open minded unlike you.
I dont refuse to worship Radiohead because Im not mature enough to handle them, or because my little "mainsteam" mind cant take it
I just dont think theyre all that great, and your attitude is only going to make me like them even less.... so fuck off!

B: D:<
by 9_0g October 13, 2010
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A virgin. If you're a Radiohead fan you'll probably never lose your virginity.
*preparing for sex*
Person 1: "You're not a Radiohead fan right?"
Person 2: "Uhh yes, is there something wrong with that?"
Person 1: *leaves room*
by dilmour May 19, 2021
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