A text message recieved from a girl named Lexie or Alexis.
"ring,ring,ring" " Dude what was that?" "Oh just got another Lext Message"
by raymaas August 19, 2009
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A message sent on myspace, an email, text message, aim, ect. that has sexual content. Usually sent from a male who has sexual feelings for a female.
ryan12: Hey wats up?
ryan12: nmj jacking off to you myspace picture.
clair85: wtf CREEP!!!
ryan12: I lov the one where your in a bathing suit and you can kinda see your nipple. DAMNNN!!!
( clair12 has blocked you from her buddy list.)

later that day...
Clair: OMG Ryan sent me the grosest sex message today!!
Julie: OMG! what a perv!
by Emma Tom April 19, 2007
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Sending a text message with the sole purpose of gettin' some. a.k.a. The new booty call.
"Dude, it's 3 am, you're at a bar and you're wasted. Who are you texting?" "Bro, I'm sex messaging the bartender at Julep. She's coming over later."
by Haastility February 22, 2007
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when someone sends a text, most likely when they are under the influence, and the recipient can't make out a single word that they were trying to say mostly because the sender has lost the ability to spell.
Drunk Sender: Hie budbie, can u gixe mi a rido himo?

Reciever: What? This is a total text MESSage!
by fossybear123 May 29, 2009
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A hidden message or image found in text, music or film. A well-known subliminal message was that of Coca-Cola ads which flashed for less Than a second in movies. You may not have seen it, but your subconscious did. Don't argue with him.
Diggers in delicious donuts are talking idiotically, noticably keeping licked earwax.
by Didda Tinkle July 6, 2004
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Web based forum for posting opinions and argument - mostly of an irrelevant nature
urban 75 is the UK's premiere message board
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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When a man or woman makes a phone call to their mistress/lover and tells them to make a change to their mobile phone voicemail message because they think they might have been caught cheating and their spouse might be calling all the numbers in their mobile phone.
"Man, I think my girlfriend might have found a text from the girl I'm banging. I gotta send her a Tiger Message and tell her to take her name off her voicemail.
by Cricketb February 5, 2010
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