Some mong who is sending urban dictionary definitions
Hey dude! You’re a little fucking Spongotron José Hernandez SLUT!”
by thebigpizzaman November 6, 2022
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Es la chica más hermosa e interesante que alguien pueda conocer, es la chica con la que cualquiera soñaría poder estar, ella es única a su manera, nadie se compara con ella, es una chica muy especial, es la más cool de su grupo de amigos, cualquiera que esté con ella es demasiado afortunado y lo envidio mucho, ella simplemente es perfecta con ese hermoso cabello rojo y esos hipnotizantes ojos, su risa es como una melodía que te hace sentir bien, al estar con ella nunca vas a aburrirte, ella siempre te sacará una sonrisa con sus locuras, ella llama la atención de todos y no sólo por su belleza sino también por su gran personalidad y por eso tiene demasiados amigos, así que si tienes a una Maria José en tu vida debes saber que tienes muchísima suerte y que no vas a arrepentirte de haberla conocido.
S: Maria José es tan hermosa, me encanta demasiado.

D: Si lo sé, ella es muy linda.
by sandmalwaysforever April 10, 2022
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Maria Jose is amazing, so gorgeous and always has a lot to contribute. She is one of those people that you will never regret meeting, seriously, she is wonderful. She can be somewhat unnoticed, but when you get to know her, you realize she is full of surprises. She is fascinating. Maria Jose has a heart of gold, she always wishes the best for others and acts accordingly, she has the courage to forgive, however, she will never forget and that is very clear, she has been through a lot of shit, but she tries to move forward in spite of it. Physically she is quite attractive, she may not admit it, but she is, with her brown hair and beautiful honey-colored eyes, it should also be noted that she has great lips, bro she is hot, damn. Maria Jose can be a bit bipolar, she changes moods more than she changes her underwear lol, one of two things, either she gets really angry or she cries until she can't anymore, but in general, she tries to keep her vibes as calm as possible. Her emotions may not be very stable, but if her health, she never gets sick, literally, NEVER! Oh, She is very, very dedicated and committed, without having to remind you of her plans even once, you will see, Maria Jose is phenomenal, one of the most unique girls out there, appreciate her! :)
María José is phenomenal.
María José is so beautiful.
María José is special.

María José is unique.
I really love María José! ♡︎
by kooiloveu November 24, 2021
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The 11 year old who decided to troll his entire nation (Mexico) on January 10, 2020 by shooting up his private school Columbine style, with his custom made Natural Selection shirt, his 22 caliber Glock as well as his 40 caliber Glock, and killing 1 teacher and injuring 6 others then committing heroism and turning the gun on himself (Inspired by his heros and idols Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold).

José’s country (Mexico), instead of tackling the actual issue, decided to remove certain video games and regulate teaching “ethics” to the children in Colegio Cervantes.

One of José’s family members were later arrested under the charge of child neglect.

RIP José Ángel Ramos Betts you truly deserved more and the world didn’t see you and your descent into a horrible fate.
Alex: Did you see on the news? An 11 year old, José Ángel Ramos Betts committed suicide in a school shooting he started.
Ame: Poor soul. He was only 11
by Spergs June 21, 2023
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professional yapper.
i don´t wanna be rude, but bro stfu
You such a José Dias.
by yapping October 16, 2023
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When a girl has diarrhea, doesn’t wipe and you eat her asshole.
I took her home and gave her a sloppy José.
by Elena Fuente November 11, 2019
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