P1: you look upset, how are you?
P2: I'm fine
P2 isn't depressed they are just "drifting"
by NoBForLevi July 24, 2023
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A female will say this but she does not mean it. She wants you to give her attention and figure out whats wrong.
I didn't text my girlfriend all day and so I decided to text her "How are you, babe?" after I got off work and she replied, "I'm fine." I immediately knew that she was pissed.
by Buntastic <3 April 27, 2023
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I'm perfectly content but also wouldn't mind if the sun blew up and killed us all

Hey are you ok? you've been crying for the past hour
Hey are you ok? you've been crying for the past hour

I'm fine
by Ya Boi thunda December 6, 2019
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Often used to say how your doing but can also be used as a lie
"I'm fine" she said But it was a lie
by !sky! October 11, 2022
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A colloquial phrase pioneered by none other than Daniel Park, the record-smashing Fattest Man in Canada. These words are often used in situations when the speaker is anything/everything EXCEPT safe, but they refuse to publicly admit that they are about to get completely boned.
*leaves 86 out of 100 questions on a multiple choice exam unanswered*
"I'm sooooooo fine."
by Chipsachoi December 17, 2018
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Da smart-alacky remark dat you glibly toss back at your "little princess/pumpkin" date's father when he warns you, "Whatever you do to my daughter, I'll do to you."
Demurely telling your new gal's dad, "That's fine --- I'm bi" may indeed be sarcastically amusing by implying dat you would actually ENJOY having said paternal dude make you "take it up da bum", but said remark could also "backfire" (pun not intended, but it works well here!), especially if dat family is of the conservative-minded variety... even if they don't truly believe dat you actually meant it, they may still be highly offended at da flippant "either/or" sexual reference, and so the girl may no longer wish to date you, and her parents may not want their precious Miss Vulnerable to be hanging around with "some foul-mouthed/coarse-minded dude" like you.
by QuacksO April 16, 2020
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she is not feeling good (mentally and/or physically) and thinks you (S.O.) might tell her "I know you're not baby, what's wrong?" we may not tell you and might get annoyed if you keep asking but we may eventually tell you but we take your caring words to heart and it usually makes us feel better.
(S.O.): Hey, how are you love?
girl: I'm fine wbu
(S.O.): I know you're not baby, what's wrong?
girl: (explains problem)

(S.O.): Hey, how are you love?
girl: I'm fine wbu
(S.O.): I know you're not baby, what's wrong?
girl: You're right but I'm getting through it, thank you
(S.O.): Of course, let me know if you need ANYTHING
by Elle Annie June 1, 2022
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