When the gang you are currently beating the shit out of always waits for you to finish this one guy before another person in the gang goes after you.
Gentleman's Agreement is a lousy thing to do in movies... It's a shame.
by DesiredExoticNeighbor June 22, 2018
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Frienuptual agreement is when a set of friend s decide to part ways, both getting nothing from one another.
Steve and Charles are having a frienuptual agreement. They are not longer going to be friends, and neither one of them are getting anything out of it.
by jellofuckedhouse October 31, 2009
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The agreement you have with your significant other that you will do what they want after you have your nap. Breach of the pre-Naptual agreement results in a forfeit e.g. food or bedroom related fun stuffs.
"Dave broke our pre-naptual agreement last night and left the washing up on the side for me to do. Now he's got to buy me a subway."
by Deauley February 17, 2018
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Meaning of North American Free Trade Agreement in English:

North American Free Trade Agreement


(also NAFTA)
An agreement which came into effect in January 1994 between the US, Canada, and Mexico to remove barriers to trade between the three countries over a ten-year period.
How to use North American Free Trade Agreement (nɔ (r)θ əˈmerɪkən fri treɪd əˈɡri mənt) in a sentence is still unknown.

North American Free Trade Agreement (nɔ (r)θ əˈmerɪkən fri treɪd əˈɡri mənt)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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Another term for a hostage negotiation.

You are being restrained and threatened unless you sign a paper you don't want to sign.

The best option is to get the hostage free and far enough away they can't be harmed by their terrorist assailants or extradited back to them.
Did you sign the plea agreement?

Na, they wanted me to snitch so I'm bout to bounce forever because snitches in ditches.
by WGstyles July 28, 2023
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