In Toronto it is a term used to describe a girl or boy who is more than cute or pretty. Someone who is super sexy and you want to get with
Boy- “yoo did you see Tracey in that dress last night! she looked like a snack”
Boy #2- “are you dumb! she was looking like a whole meal fam”
by Toronto tings December 4, 2018
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Go to a Napa and do some wine tasting at Inglenook winery. Always busy with hotties! Locate a drunk slutty and pay for her tasting......take her to some more wineries until she is good and pie-eyed. On the way back stop by Mickey D's and get 2 Happy Meals. When you get her back to your bungalow in Napa, split one of the meals and with the other put the Hamburglar and fries in her POOKALOLLY and enjoy. As you are finishing your fries, slowly put the Happy Meal toy in her Tukhus. Once the toy is full inserted, finish off your hot date with some Ravage Sex and as you explode your love potion, pull Grimace out of her Pooper and start singing IM LOVIN IT!
"How are you"......."fantastic, I was on the Napa Wine train last weekend and hooked up with this Cheerleader and we got hammered. Once we landed at my pad, I introduced her to The Happy Napa Meal Maneuver. We both had a great time and laughed our asses off.
by Sonnyd2022 August 23, 2023
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The act of defecating in a toolbox. Usually as a form of revenge or to cause a problem.
My friend and I snuck into a construction zone and did an Utah Happy Meal in a workers toolbox.
by Utahs_Ronald_McDonald September 19, 2023
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A foodstuff (usually a sweet, salty, oily or fatty snack) which unexpectedly spoils one's appetite. After consumption, the eater usually cannot start or finish the remainder of their regular meal.
I thought I'd just have a bag of buttered popcorn to take the edge off before dinner, but that's stuff's a real meal-breaker!
by niftimusmaximus September 15, 2010
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An unwanted ingredient in a dish that makes the entire thing inedible.
I can't order that, it's got coriander. You know that's a meal breaker for me.

Does this have any type of nut in it? Because that's an instant meal breaker.
by Asaf March 22, 2018
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