No different than any other sort of grey color. This term is used by douche bags who think they are cool, but they aren't.
You're all fired! Hey look, my truck is Audi grey.
by Plight Ideas September 25, 2017
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The extrememly sexy guy in the movie PATHOLOGY,who uses his pathological skills to commit the perfect murder.........
That Ted Grey? He Can Kill Me Any Time He Likes!
by Coroner V May 22, 2009
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Somebody who has a fuck-ton of BDSM porno open all at once in their browser.
Girl 1: "He opened up his laptop so we could watch Netflix, and it was all like Fifty Tabs of Grey!"
Girl 2: "Eeewww"
by photogriphiff March 18, 2018
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When you get no votes for MoM, WoM and TFC in a game.
Paul Foster is Grey man - the greyest of the grey - mediocrity on the hockey pitch if ever you did see it.
by JM302 March 12, 2023
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The greyness one sees whenever landing at Gatwick after being used to blue skies whils on holiday.
"Oh look we must be nearly landing I can see can see the several layers of Gatwick Grey!"
by Cynical Dude July 3, 2013
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