The penis of any type of whale commonly used to describe a sperm whales penis
Hey look at the dork on that whale
by Thewhaleman78 April 5, 2021
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The word dork has been used for a whales penis
by October 18, 2020
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Cute , odd , silly and mostly socially awkward person . When a girl calls a guy a dork , it's affectionate , when a guy calls a guy a dork it's either affectionate or to ridicule the other person.
Jack Sparrow is the funny , cool guy . Will Turner is the adorable dork.
by Potc lolololol June 14, 2017
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It stands for "Dumb Old Retarded Krook"
"He you see that guy on the bench over there? He's a total dork."
by querixx August 19, 2023
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Must have 9 and 8 at GCSE and specifically a A** at chemistry, thus qualifying them for a dork. However a side effect of dorkiritis is that they aren’t street smart as their knowledge has been transferred
Anisha was a dork
by Saxin77777 August 11, 2022
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